Tuesday, March 22, 2016

"Two Dogs on the Beach"

"Two Dogs on the Beach"  Oil/Canvas   40" x 30"
Finishing up a few paintings that have been lingering about for a while. I started this painting in late fall after a trip to the beach. It was a cool day, but I still walked through the puddles barefoot.  Two dogs were running about having a good old time. They ran to their owners when called, but slowly started teasing each other again until they were in a full run and jumping over puddles. They were fun to watch.  It's always a good day to run on the beach!  If you're interested in purchasing this painting, contact me at dawnsgriccia@gmail.com.

Monday, March 21, 2016

"Vineyard Tour"

"Vineyard Tour"  Oil/Canvas    30" x 24
Going on a wine tour and strolling through the grape vines is a fantastic way to spend an afternoon!  This northern California vineyard had beautifully rich color in the vines and mountains that made you delight in the view.  Pure pleasure!

"Golden Retriever"

"Golden Retriever"   oil/hardwood   12" x 12"
The textural surface of this painting was applied with a narrow brush to enhance the look of the fur.  When light washes across this canvas the color and highlights pop & sparkle.  If you're interested in this painting, contact Dawn Sgriccia at dawnsgriccia@gmail.com.