Monday, November 5, 2012

"Red Maple Testament"

"Red Maple Testament"  Oil on Canvas    22" x 28"
The leaves are almost gone on the autumn trees, but this painting 
remains a testament to the glory of the Red Maple. This painting is 
the newest inclusion in the ongoing series of fall trees.  

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"Home on the Bay - Lakeside"

     "Home on the Bay - Lakeside"  Oil on Canvas  24" x 24" 
I realized that I may not have posted a photo of the first painting I did of the Home on the Bay, the Lakeside view. The home faces west, so you can imagine the beautiful sunsets we see. That may be my next painting, a sunset view from the deck. It would accompany the thousands of photos we've taken.

Monday, September 24, 2012

"HOB Boardwalk"

This painting, called "HOB Boardwalk," is the third in a series of Home on the Bay paintings. Standing on the deck looking toward the water is such a memorable view that I just had to capture it. You can see the bonfire pit, stack of logs and in the water, the cairn. (A cairn is a mound of rocks collected as a landmark or monument.) Every time we visit the water we add to the cairn. Neighbors have added to it too. When the water level is low, more of the cairn is revealed. It's a great landmark.
"HOB Boardwalk"  9" x 19-1/2"  Oil on Hardboard

Friday, September 7, 2012

Open Competition 2012 - Lilies All Around

Still working the kinks out of my website. It may take another week for it to be properly viewable.  Please bear with me as I work thru this. I may have to scrap the whole site and start from scratch. Oh bother! Till then, my blog entries will have to suffice.  

Today I'm dropping off this painting called Lilies All Around at the Alfred Berkowitz Gallery (4901 Evergreen Rd., Dearborn, MI  48128) for Open Competition 2012. I can't wait to see this year's exhibition. Opening reception is Sept. 21st from 5 - 7 pm. The exhibition runs through Oct. 25, 2012. I'm thrilled to have my painting included in this prestigious show. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Washington D.C.- Portrait Gallery

My website should be up and running again by this weekend.  I hope your computer, iPad, phone or lap top displays a clear picture. Please check it out and let me know what you think. This has been a great summer and travel was a big part of it.  We went to our nation's capital, Washington D.C., where I saw the most intriguing event. The National Portrait Gallery had an artist painting a replica of another painting. The crowd observing this artist was huge. I don't know how the artist can concentrate on their work and ignore all the people. All those eyes looking over your shoulder and the camera shutters going off. It's a testament to their professionalism.  This woman worked in oil in an impressionistic style. Fully duplicating the stokes of the original artwork. To take this shot, I held my camera as high above my head as I could to eliminate the heads and cameras of other observers. I've seen pencil sketching and small watercolor sketching in museum galleries, but this was the first time I've ever seen an oil painting set-up. I'm glad I was there to see it.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Opening Reception at Northville Art House Gallery

I had a very exciting night at the Northville Art House Gallery
and am on cloud nine to be awarded 1st Place for my painting,
"Darkness Falls." It's the nicest of compliments to be
acknowledged for your creative efforts. A big thank you to
NAH Gallery and the Ann Arbor Women Artists (AAWA) for their
exceptional Opening Reception. The wine flowed like a fresh
spring waterfall and the gallery space highlighted all the
artwork ideally.
Check out NAH's Facebook page for more photos.
Dawn Sgriccia with "Darkness Falls"  24" x 24" O/Hardwood

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Organization Euphoria

The euphoria received from an organized workspace is amazing! This may be the most organized I've ever been in this painting space... ever. So comfortable am I in this space, I believe I will make real headway in my artwork in the coming weeks. While putting things away, imagery for the next painting was rolling around in my head. Lots of ideas to sort through. This week should be fun.  Below is a found "work in progress" painting deep from the bowels of reorganization.   
"Peach Woods"  11" x 14"  Oil on Canvas

Monday, April 2, 2012

"Petunia Lost & Found"

Tonight I going to my critique group. It's a fabulous mix of exceptional artists in a variety of mediums. I've decided to take this painting that I haven't shared yet. I tried to incorporate a lost & found approach to this portrait. The body seems to float in and out of the black background. I know where I'd like my paint brush to advance across this canvas, but I appreciate the input from this highly intellectual group of artists.
"Petunia Lost & Found"  24" x 24"  Oil/Hardboard

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Northville Art House Gallery

Wahoo! I got two paintings accepted in the Northville 
Art House Gallery's juried competition! The above photo is NAH Gallery's publicity postcard and press release ad. The portrait with the cowboy hat ("Darkness Falls", 24" x 24", O/Hardwood) is one of my entries. I'm thrilled my artwork was selected to be in this outstanding show. The NAH wrote, "This striking show is exceptional in originality!" If you'd like to see the exhibition, the opening reception is 6-9 PM on Friday, April 6th and runs through April 21, 2012. Northville Art House Gallery is located at 215 W. Cady St., Northville, MI 48167. See you there!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Catching Up from a Long Silence

Luckily, my studio is coming back into shape. I've decided to inventory all my painting accessories before returning them to the cabinets. I want to see and account for what I have and possibly what I need. As I move stuff back into this room, I'm trying to remember that this space needs to function properly. I'm eliminating anything that is unnecessary. One thing I'd like to do is set up a good Still Life Box with great lighting. Well, back to work!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Studio Remodel Complete

After a long absence from painting and blog posting, I'm back! My new studio has been remodeled and I'm anxious to start painting! It's back to the easel. Wahoo! Just in time for Spring. The birds are singing and the sun is shining. Life is Good!  Check back again for some new paintings very soon.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Studio Upheaval

Currently my painting studio is in demolition. Remolding and organizing are great, but I want to paint! I'm so impatient with this process. I've stored all of my paint, brushes and canvases and it's making me crazy! It's been this way for weeks and I'm biting at the bit to paint again. I know it will be more useful and organized, but I want it done now... today if possible. Well, that's not likely, so I wait. It'll be another few weeks and I'll be up and running again. Till then, check back when you can!