Sunday, May 30, 2010

"Ram's Horn"

"Ram's Horn"
6" x 6"  Oil on Hardboard

This ram is another animal painting. I used a limited palette and it was an exercise in restraint. I was very happy with the way this turned out.

If you're interested in purchasing this painting, please contact Dawn Sgriccia at for more information.

Friday, May 28, 2010


"Goat"   6" x 6"   Oil on Hardboard

The weather definitely affects my creativity. Earlier this year, I had a rough time producing any work that I liked. I blamed it on the "blah" skies that lingered too gray for too long. To pull myself out of this gray haze, I painted a few small works of animals. I ended up having so much fun, it brought me right out of my coma. This Goat is one of those works. Slumps or painter's blocks happen occasionally. Just keep working through them. For me, the subject matter was the key. Animals, go figure.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Title Party

Party Time - Excellent!

I heard of an artist who had a "Name My Paintings" party. After creating a fair body of work, this artist invited their family and friends over for an evening of fun and the opportunity to submit title suggestions for each of the completed paintings. After all the suggestions were given, the artist selected and posted the best titles. What a bright idea... show your work and receive help with the titles!  I might have to try it! Sounds like great fun!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Almost Home Animal Rescue's Silent Auction

"The Good Life"
12" x 12"  Oil on Hardboard

There is a wonderful animal shelter called Almost Home Animal Rescue that we support. We adopted two adorable, yet sickly, kittens last year from this "No Kill" shelter. The kittens are a year old now and growing healthy and strong everyday.  

Well, Almost Home is having a fund raiser and I'm contributing this painting for their silent auction. I hope it is received with plenty of interest and support for the shelter. They're a great organization trying to do the best they can for the homeless animal companions in our area. 

If you're interested in supporting this animal shelter inquire at Almost Home Animal Rescue through their website.

Monday, May 24, 2010

"Bird's Nest Sparkles"

"Bird's Nest Sparkles"
12" x 12" Oil on Hardboard

I finished this painting over the weekend. The palette knife application took nearly a week to complete. The surface texture is fantastic and that makes it difficult to photograph in this drying stage. Every nook & cranny sparkles from the wet oil. While painting it, I started to refer to it as Bird's Nest Sparkles, and the title stuck.

If you are interested in purchasing this painting, please contact Dawn Sgriccia at

Sunday, May 23, 2010

"Lilies All Around"

"Lilies All Around"
12" x 9.5" Oil on Hardboard

I recently finished this painting called "Lilies All Around." It's in the drying stage. This palette knife painting is rich in color and texture. Lily ponds are one of my favorite subjects to paint.

If you're interested in purchasing this painting, please contact Dawn Sgriccia @ at

Thursday, May 20, 2010


19" x 22" Oil on Hardboard

I'm still working on another Bird's Nest painting, so I thought I'd share something I painted several years ago. I created this painting after visiting the huge, walk-through aviary at our local zoo. The birds are varied in species, very colorful and they fly freely all around you. That visit was the inspiration for this work. Every time I look at it, I'm reminded of that day.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Charlie and the New Nest

If you remember from an earlier post, my kitty destroyed my first bird's nest. Well, as luck would have it, we found another bird's nest in a pine tree in the backyard yesterday! It's bigger than the first nest that I had and oh, what wonderful twigs & branches! I'm putting it aside to use for my next painting. I'm still working on the painting I've been calling, "Bird's Nest Sparkle." The technique I'm using is very time consuming, but the surface is fresh and very textural. I'm happy with it's progress, albeit slow. I should be done by week's end. In the meantime, I'll share a photo of the new bird's nest from the yard. As you can see, there's a lot of interest already from the peanut gallery. I'm storing this on the top shelf away from reaching paws!

"Bird's Nest with Robin Eggs"

Bird's Nest with Robin Eggs
12" x 12"
Oil on Hardboard

Robins are everywhere in our neck of the woods. It is one of my favorite birds. They are the first to return in the spring and are truly remarkable. I wake to their presence every morning. This painting reminds me of their cheerful song and colorful appearance.

Today, I'm working on one more nest painting. It might very well be my last in this series. You see, I moved my cherished nest, that I used as my model, to my work table and our kitten got a hold of it. Well you can imagine, he tore it to shreds. I found the remains scattered all over the studio floor. My delicate nest - gone! So, no more nest paintings until I can find another empty nest later this season.

Monday, May 17, 2010

"Bird's Nest with Two Eggs"

"Bird's Nest with Two Eggs"
12" x 12"
Oil on Hardboard

I often use black outlines to express my images. The dynamic contrast of color when used with black is playful and lighthearted. It's a contradiction and a complement both at the same time. Victor Hugo once wrote, "The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real. It is by the real that we exist. It is by the ideal that we live." For me, painting the ideal lifts the soul.

If you are interested in purchasing this painting, please contact Dawn Sgriccia at

Sunday, May 16, 2010

"Bird's Nest in Leaves"

"Bird's Nest in Leaves"
12" x 12"
Oil on Hardboard

Today is the first day I'm writing in my blog! My goal... to post my paintings and share my thoughts about them. So, let's begin! A few years ago, I was given a wonderful bird's nest still in the branches. I loved it so much I hung it in my painting studio. Recently, I took it down and decided to memorialize my nest on canvas. Here's the first painting in my series of bird's nests.