Saturday, April 7, 2012

Opening Reception at Northville Art House Gallery

I had a very exciting night at the Northville Art House Gallery
and am on cloud nine to be awarded 1st Place for my painting,
"Darkness Falls." It's the nicest of compliments to be
acknowledged for your creative efforts. A big thank you to
NAH Gallery and the Ann Arbor Women Artists (AAWA) for their
exceptional Opening Reception. The wine flowed like a fresh
spring waterfall and the gallery space highlighted all the
artwork ideally.
Check out NAH's Facebook page for more photos.
Dawn Sgriccia with "Darkness Falls"  24" x 24" O/Hardwood

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Organization Euphoria

The euphoria received from an organized workspace is amazing! This may be the most organized I've ever been in this painting space... ever. So comfortable am I in this space, I believe I will make real headway in my artwork in the coming weeks. While putting things away, imagery for the next painting was rolling around in my head. Lots of ideas to sort through. This week should be fun.  Below is a found "work in progress" painting deep from the bowels of reorganization.   
"Peach Woods"  11" x 14"  Oil on Canvas

Monday, April 2, 2012

"Petunia Lost & Found"

Tonight I going to my critique group. It's a fabulous mix of exceptional artists in a variety of mediums. I've decided to take this painting that I haven't shared yet. I tried to incorporate a lost & found approach to this portrait. The body seems to float in and out of the black background. I know where I'd like my paint brush to advance across this canvas, but I appreciate the input from this highly intellectual group of artists.
"Petunia Lost & Found"  24" x 24"  Oil/Hardboard