Monday, August 23, 2010

"Tea Cup - Sunflower Yellow"

"Tea Cup - Sunflower Yellow"  6" x 6"  Oil on Hardboard
This is a Demitasse, a small coffee cup. The word Demitasse is of French origin and literally means half-cup. This small cup & saucer was my mother's and is very special to me. On the bottom of the cup it says, Royal Copenhagen Denmark  # 976/ 9535/ EX.  I believe the 976 means this cup was number 976 made out of 9,535 total.  I guess that means it's not very valuable, but I love it just the same. I have another cup, identical in every way, except it's green.  If I finish painting it today, I'll post it tomorrow. Till then, pass the cream & sugar please!

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