Monday, August 30, 2010


"Specs"   18" x 24"   Oil on Canvas
There is a great story behind this painting and I really hope I can do it justice. My husband, a Punk Rock music lover, took me to a NOFX concert at the Royal Oak Music Theatre a few years ago. I wasn't sure I was going to be as enthusiastic about this show as he was, but I decided I was going to soak up every bit of music and ambiance I could. Well, as it turned out, I loved the music, but I especially loved the atmosphere. There was so much high energy from the concert goers that I became fixated with people watching. I was enthralled with all the regalia and Mohawk haircuts at this event. They were so cool, so creative. Eye candy for the visual admirer!  The next day, I painted my expression of a Mohawk clad man that I saw.  That's how the Concert Series started. This concert goer, "Specs," had the glow of stage lights illuminating his superb Mohawk, beard & mustache. I treated the bald, muscular part of his skull in a fashion that reminded me of the flow of music. It wasn't until after this painting was hung in an exhibition that a viewer told me he thought I was inspired by the traditional Indian medicine belief of Chakras. Chakras are said to be rotating vortices of whirling fluid or air considered to be focal points for the reception and transmission of energies. Wow, unknowingly I was inspired!  Well, that's the story behind the start of the Concert Series.  For the next few days I'll share some work from that series. I hope you like them. If you're interested in purchasing one of these series pieces, please email me at

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