Monday, July 19, 2010

What part of you is in this work?

I've been watching a new TV show on Bravo, called Work of Art: The Next Great Artist.  It's a reality show competition/game that pits visual artists against each other to create winning works of art. The artist's works are okay, but they have such a short time to produce anything worthwhile that I'm finding the end products are not the 'Wow' factor I was hoping to see. What I am interested in, are the judges comments. One judge asked a contestant, "What part of you is in this work?"  That question really got me thinking about my work and what part of my personality is in my work. What do I reveal about myself to those who view my work and do they see my message? Does art have to inspire and ignite the viewer or just delight and gratify them as they bask on it's presence?  Is the image they see more important than the way the image is portrayed?  What's my point of view?  How can I grow as an artist now that I've pondered these questions. Here's my conclusion, I've decided that the context of my images need to say more than they are presently. Development of the subject matter before it hits the canvas is my new strategy.  Say something, tell a story, speak from that creative side with a visual language.  I'm reminded of Thomas A. Edison who said, "What you are will show in what you do."  Good words to remember and put into practice.  Where's my next fresh canvas?

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