Friday, July 23, 2010

Waiting for Paint to Dry

Rooftops - Houses of Ann Arbor  22" x 28"  Oil on Canvas
Yesterday, while waiting for paint to dry, I went to Ann Arbor. 
I have one painting in the WORK Gallery on 306 S. State Street 
in downtown Ann Arbor. It's a really nice gallery and I'm happy 
to be included in this show. See my post of June 13th for more 
details of the show. There's another event going on in A2, the 
Art Fair. In walking around the fair, I observed one thing that 
stood out to me, frames. The way some artwork was framed, 
well, it was fantastic. This one person had carved frames like 
haven't seen since visiting the Duomos of Italy. Highly ornate 
and works of art in themselves. Other frames were like shadow 
boxes, some were industrial looking with nuts and bolts, and 
some had very wide frames surrounding a very small painting. 
They were impressive and as we all know, a frame can make 
or break painting. I make my own frames. I always thought 
plain wooden frame complemented the artwork. I may have 
to re-think this stance. 

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